If you just got that new shiny iPad, it may be a great tool for checking the weather, in fact, there’s an app for that!
So I have tried the weather channel, but similar to their iPhone app it is quite buggy. But luckily i found weatherbug which has a very nice interface and is very functional.
When you open the app, you are greeted with a radar map and a bar on the top.
The bar on the top has multiple squares with current conditions, live cameras, a forecast, and if you slide the bar left it acts like a page. You a then shows hourly forecast, active alerts, and a video thingy. You can tap the different boxes to see a more detailed view.
On the map, you can click on map settings to change the view to temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, infrared satellite, visible satellite, and radar. Cool!
You can also press the play button in the bottom left to see a time-lapse of the radar images.
The app is free from the app store as well. Yay!
Pictures of some of the features are shown here.
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