Media Temple (mt)

If you’ve been reading Good Morning Geek since 2008, you may remember the times of I liked that because it was completely free and easy. Then you may remember the times of Just as easy and free. Then, you may have realized that worked. That was just a redirect.

I was getting tired of not having much flexibility and storage (I was on Hurricane Electric which gave me 5GB/mo.), and because I was now earning some more money, I decided to get some real hosting of my own.

After asking around at the Teens In Tech conference, I concluded that Media Temple would be right for me.

I signed up for the Grid Server (gs) plan, which is 100GB, $20/mo (or $200/yr), and 1TB of bandwidth.

I had no idea that those $20 gave me SO MUCH.

I got

  • Email with built in spam filtering
  • FTP
  • 24/7 help

But there were 2 things that really made it for me.

1-Click applications

Using this service I installed wordpress on this domain with a FEW (:O) clicks. I then imported the posts from You can install wordpress, drupal, and zen-cart with 1 click.

Multiple domains to one service

Because it is grid server, I can have different domains linking to different directories on a single hosting. That means that,,, and every sub-domain is on a single $20/mo. hosting plan.

Definitely recommend this to everybody who is looking to host their own website. In fact, skribit (they power the suggestions tab on the left) uses (mt). Who knew?!