Fellow blog readers, I ask of you to do something for me. It is free, and I’d like you to use it in your daily lives for 2 days.
First, use Google Desktop for 2 days. get at least 3 Gadgets of your liking, and use them in your daily life. PC users might want to use the key shortcut to show the widgets instead of the sidebar,
but I may be wrong. Also try using the search box (PC users press CTRL 2 times really fast, Mac users press command 2 times really fast). After using that for 2 days, get Yahoo! Widgets. use the default widgets, try them out on your desktop, change the things you don’t like, and personalize it to your liking. After those 2 days, write HERE which you think was better, if you thought spotlight beat the google search box, and hive them both a rating out of 5 stars. You can download them below.
Don’t use any of it. Neither google, nor yahoo. I tested it before, and it’s nothing but a screen hog and just wastes memory. Complete sh!t. Apple’s dashboard is okay but quite glitchy. For example a widget that utilizes the webcam will always stay on. Even if you exit out of dashboard the green light is still on. And if you go back into dashboard it the widget will freeze the webcam, and after that the only remedy is to restart the dashboard. It’s also not very good because it will also take away some apps’ functions. Like the webcam widget and photobooth. No.>>Personally I don’t use any of that as I have my iPod with me all the time and my phone too and besides i’m sometimes too lazy to press f12 and then realize that I have ejected the disk instead of opening the dashboard. Besides, the schools deleted it LOL
Hmm,If I were you I would never let the dashboard use your webcam. EVER. I must agree: they are both screen hogs, and both take up memory. but sometimes the google gadgets come in handy, and there may be ones from yahoo that people like. I think that apple’s dashboard is actually the greatest thing ever. it’s apples version of google desktop of yahoo widgets. Also sergeydgr8, I am assuming that you gave them both 1 star.
Max, you’re wrong!>>I gave them a ZERO. 😉>>I don’t see any point of it whatsoever.