You know that boring aurora screen when you first login to your Mac. Ever want to change it? Let me say, I do. It gets pretty boring after a little while. You can change this yourself by going into /System/Library/CoreServices and changing the DefaultDesktop.jpg picture, but messing around with the internal system files is never a good idea. Loginox takes care of all this work for it, with an incredibly simple drag and drop interface. It even allows you to reset it to the original one. Once you open the application, you will see two boxes.One with Current Login Image above it, which contains, well, the current login image. Then, to the right, there will be another boxes which reads New Login Image over it. Here, it will say No Image Set. To change this, just drag and drop your desired picture into the box from the Finder. the box will then show the picture. Then, just click Set new Login image. Voilà! Reboot and the login screen background image will be reset. Don’t like your image, or want to reset it to the old one? just open Loginox and click Reset to Default. Simple and functional! Reset that boring old defult login screen image–Loginox